As is deliciously and glaringly obvious, I have a new home! I realize that not even a couple of months ago I welcomed everyone to the new Retro Penguin, but the site just wasn’t doing it for me, so I decided to take a risk and follow through with the overhaul I had been planning for several months. So I say again, welcome to the new new Retro Penguin! This overhaul, which includes me hosting this myself, will hopefully be sleeker and a little more enjoyable to view and navigate. As for Blogger, I still think they are a fantastic blogging platform. Unfortunately, I just didn’t have room to grow and truly make the site I wanted. I needed to merge this site with my main website and this was my best option. So far, I’m in love!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site’s new look and will bare with me while I work out some of the kinks. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of some wooden balls. Until next time!