At that time, I was mainly using this as a platform for my photography, videos, and writing. However, since then, it has evolved into the travel-focused site you see now.
I essentially combined three of the things I love the most in this world: photography, travel, and food. I love to photograph because it’s a way to save my memories; I love to travel because it challenges me; and I love connecting those travels to different dishes and drinks, because it’s a way to continue my travels even when I’m home.
I feel very fortunate that these loves of mine can coexist so happily together!
When I travel, or photograph, or eat, I’m always looking for a connection – a connection to another culture, another place, or another time. That’s why I try to challenge myself when I travel; I try to put myself in situations where that connection is more likely to happen. And in my (albeit short) experience, I’ve found that this connection is not always in the places one might expect.
But finding it is part of the fun 🙂
I hope you enjoy this little blog as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it.