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TravelWhere I've Been

San Jose – Costa Rica

By October 23, 2012December 9th, 2015No Comments


Finally the photos from my trip over the summer to Costa Rica! It took me a while to decide which ones to publish first so there will be several posts.

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I’m always looking for vintage inspiration in other photos and whenever I find a look I love, I try to replicate it. Lately, I’ve been on a huge vintage binge and these have been my latest experiments. The vintage style has even made a presence in my assignments for a photography class I’m taking. Sadly, my professor isn’t into the vintage look so the style probably won’t make an appearance there again.

This might sound weird, but I ran into a surprising amount of cows while I was there.

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This cluster of homes was precariously placed on the side of a hill and above a creek. Just a tad bit scary.

And finally, a photo of my 96 year old grandfather peering out at his lovely garden.


On a completely unrelated note, having a mango tree in your backyard is awesome.

Happy Tuesday! 🙂

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