November is birthday month around these here parts, so I’ve been giving and receiving gifts lately. The latest one I wrapped was just way too pretty not to post, so I’ve displayed it above. Interestingly enough, I never meant to get creative with the wrapping, but just as I was about to wrap it I realized I didn’t have any actual gift wrapping paper in my possession, so I hunted around my apartment until I came across a stack of magazines. I ripped the pages out and viola! Rolling Stone Gift Wrap.
The end result takes a little more time than ordinary gift wrap, but is so much more personal and creative. If you want to forgo the bow, cut out little strips of paper and curl them with scissors.
If you really want to impress the person receiving the gift, you could forgo wrapping altogether and send them on a wild pirate scavenger hunt instead.
At least that’s what ridiculously awesome people do.
Thanks for the watch Pati!!!
Happy Tuesday to everyone else!